Beverly Burnett Hamberlin was born in Mesa, Arizona, and lived in California during her school years. She attended Beauty College before she married James Wesley Hamberlin in 1965.
She enjoys painting, quilting, puzzles, and family, not necessarily in that order. She joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints after having a stillborn son in 1967. An event that changed her life and that of her future family.
Later, she learned to design and make custom area rugs from pieces of carpet. She was asked to make sampler rugs with the scrapes of the Nauvoo Temple. President Gordon B. Hinkley and Russell M. Ballard each received one, along with others who worked on donating the carpet for the Temple.
She has two sons and a daughter. Both sons served missions, one in Alabama and one in Montana. She has 19 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Now a widow, She has served as an ordinance worker for 10 years and filled a service mission in the Mesa, Arizona Temple office in 2022. This is her first book.
About the Author
Beverly Burnett Hamberlin was born in Mesa, Arizona, and lived in California during her school years. She attended Beauty College before she married James Wesley Hamberlin in 1965.
She enjoys painting, quilting, puzzles, and family, not necessarily in that order. She joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints after having a stillborn son in 1967. An event that changed her life and that of her future family.
Later, she learned to design and make custom area rugs from pieces of carpet. She was asked to make sampler rugs with the scrapes of the Nauvoo Temple. President Gordon B. Hinkley and Russell M. Ballard each received one, along with others who worked on donating the carpet for the Temple.
She has two sons and a daughter. Both sons served missions, one in Alabama and one in Montana. She has 19 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Now a widow, She has served as an ordinance worker for 10 years and filled a service mission in the Mesa, Arizona Temple office in 2022. This is her first book.